Sunday, January 2, 2011

Evaluating Numerical Expressions - PEMDAS

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P E MD AS (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally)
1st) Parenthesis
2nd) Exponents
3rd) * and /
(It maybe helpful to change Divide to Mult. "the INVERSE")

4th) + and -  (change Subt.  to Add "the OPPOSITE")
48/8*3 is 6*3 which is 18    ...  Do NOT do the Mult. first 48 / 24

(The process does not say to MULT. and THEN DIVIDE.
     It gives them equal billing as you move Left-to-Right!

       Division is really Multiplication of the RECIPROCAL,
        "MD" could just be considered MULTIPLICATION only.)
Subtraction becomes Additon of the OPPOSITE:
-8 - (-2)  NEGATIVE 8 Minus  Negative 2
Negative 8 PLUS Positive 2     ...      -8 + 2    =    -6

Simplify Arithmetic Expressions